They tell us as business owners to show our professional selves and write a pretty bio that shares who we are, what we have achieved, and what we are about. All of this is great, and I feel it is super beneficial in many ways, but the truth is. I am not always dressed to the nines like these images here. My fashion choices are pretty basic most days because I rather sleep longer than spend hours getting ready, and two, I want to be comfortable when I am out and about. My alter ego is a super sophisticated woman, and she is badass with her style, but the woman I show the world is just plain Jane. And that is fine by me. I hardly ever wear makeup, not because I don't like it or can't apply it; I prefer not to spend that time putting it on. Every morning I rush around to get my three kids off to three different places. So the truth is I could probably make the time to do it. However, it is just not a priority for me every day. Now if they come out with a magic tool that styles your hair and does your makeup within seconds like in the Jetsons, I will be all about it!
When clients meet me, I am most likely super dressed up, either. I promise you my appearance does not make a difference in my ability to run a business or successfully take your pictures. I want my clients to feel comfortable when they see me. They see a mother doing her best to juggle business and motherhood. Sometimes when I am doing video calls, my kids are running around fighting. They are occasionally lovely, just not when I want them to be—to me, being authentic by far more important than creating an unrealistic expectation that only exists on social media. I chat a lot when I am nervous, and sometimes I say very little. There isn't an in-between. When I am in my creative zone, I tend to be clumsy because I am zoned to mastering my craft to make my clients happy.
I speak my mind, but I am also a people pleaser who sometimes will care for others more than myself. If you are someone who takes advantage of that, please don't bother trying with me. I also have a sharp tongue and know how to use it if needed. Ask my husband; he married a mouthy woman. I like to cuss but typically tone it down while in the studio. Although I can be mouthy I care deeply for those around me. Sometimes I feel awkward since I enjoy my own company more than the company of others. One of the great things about being awkward is my awkwardness helps clients feel less awkward. So that is a plus!
The truth is I am a shot of whiskey, but I ain't for everyone. That is fine too. After all these years being real has paid off, so I am not about to change who I am to please others.