We bring you another awesome blog post…
Meet Allie, She is a friend of mine and is also a model for Suicide Girls. I have been trying to get Allie to come up here to do a boudoir session with me for some time now. When I heard the news she was going to be up here for a few days I immediately contacted her to set up a session. As I was thinking of the location to shoot her boudoir session in the study at Greenock Manor came to mind. When I first had seen this room during a tour of the Greenock Manor I knew at some point I would find the right client to work with. Allie totally loved the idea of this study and we went to town creating fun portraits in this room and other parts of the house as well. We spent a lot of time laughing and giggling throughout her session which always makes for a more relaxing time even if you are a model or not.
I don’t typically shoot with actual models but I always find it to be fun when you get the chance to take a break to create whatever you want without a care in the world. I feel this when masterpieces are created when you don’t focus so much on making it but just allowing it to happen.