• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Premier Portrait Studio •

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

Premier Portrait Studio •

Country Girl Boudoir | Fredericksburg Fine Art Boudoir

This beautiful boudoir session I shot last year is REALLY making me wish that the weather was 80 degrees out right now.  I do miss Summer!  The winter months do put my creative mind in a funk.  So I decided to go ahead and catch up on MONTHS worth of blogging since I have failed to share these sessions  I won’t lie it is always fun working with other photographers. One it is so flattering when other photographers reach out to you for business or are willing to work with you to keep your creative mind working.


We had to walk to find this little-hidden gem off the side of the road and boy did it not disappoint.  The open field was surrounded by woods as the sun peaked through the trees it bounced the perfect warm glow all around us. This perfect little piece of heaven was the BEST spot for some simple and sexy boudoir pictures.  Miss R brought a plaid shirt and this awesome hat, and she worked it like a model!   She has so much confidence in her own skin, and I love how she always embraces her body and rocks whatever pose I put her in.

We even shot vintage style boudoir session outdoors, too!  CLICK HERE to see it!









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