• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Premier Portrait Studio •

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

Premier Portrait Studio •

Modern Boudoir | Harrisonburg, VA

I had a fabulous time with Jillian during our modern boudoir session.  She completely rocked it like a natural.  We work together to create certain poses she liked. We even shot some of her in her boyfriend’s baseball jersey.

This is by far one of my all-time favorites boudoir session.  The entire 3+ hours we photograph were filled with laughter, girl talk and just overall good time spending it like you would with your friends.
Jillian left a beautiful testimonial after our modern boudoir shoot that left me in tears but overjoyed with happiness!

“I cannot thank you enough for all the time and effort you put into taking and editing my pictures. Everyone who has seen them is blown away and waiting for the day they need pictures so they can call you. I sent a little wine gift card for my gratitude, because wine is everyone’s best friends. Can’t wait for the next time, Thank you again!”


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