• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

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New Year New You

As humans we are always going through changes, some good some bad. During all the hassles of life we can lose sight of who we are and who we are meant to be. A boudoir session gives you a chance to do something for yourself, to enjoy a little pampering and boost your confidence and self-esteem. When was the last time you bought some sexy lingerie? A boudoir shoot gives you a reason to go shopping for lacy looks that will make you feel fabulous. A boudoir photo shoot is empowering, and not to mention they are so much fun to do! Boudoir photo shoots encourage you to love and embrace your body and have a new appreciation for yourself just they way you are. Finally wear the lingerie that has been sitting your drawer with the tags still on them. There are so many reason for women to take the leap and book a boudoir session, but as tradition goes we all want to make the next year of our life better than the last. If you have went through changes in your life and need a way to celebrate a boudoir session is a great way to do so. In this article we will go over why you should look into doing a boudoir session to celebrate a new year and new you. It is never an easy path going through changes, and boudoir packs the power to be the icing on the cake of your story and for you to feel even more empowered by your success.

Boudoir Photography, Black Lace, Washington, Fredericksburg

You deserve it

Boudoir photography allows you to see yourself and your body from a different perspective. Instead of noticing your perceived flaws and disliking your body, boudoir can help you see just how incredible and beautiful you are. Spoiling yourself is okay, and taking time to be pampered like you deserve doesn’t hurt either. It is okay to show yourself some love. A boudoir shoot can help you feel more confident about the way you look and more comfortable in the skin you’re in. Why is increasing body image and self esteem  so important?  For starters, when you feel confident, you are less likely to second guess yourself, more likely to take risks and more open to going after what you really want. You will feel more self-assured as you take on whatever life throws at you, and find resilience when presented with life’s challenges. Every single one of us deserves love, and you definitely deserve to love yourself. A boudoir session can help you feel more confident about the way you look and more comfortable in the skin you’re in. Take the time to pat yourself on the back for your accomplishments in your life whatever they may be.

Boudoir Photography, empowerment


Take a moment to look at the picture to the right. You as the viewer of this photo do not know this woman, but when you look at her you feel the power behind the portrait. She is fierce, she is strong, she is standing tall and proud, she is the definition of beauty. She is not a paid model, she is a woman who took the leap to be empowered by booking a boudoir session, and throughout a session you begin to awaken your inner woman. This is why boudoir is gaining speed throughout the world, it works! If you have went through hard times in life and you are finally coming out on the other end, you can capture your journey and growth with a boudoir session. Every day women are taking this step to finally see who they are. This may seem silly and like it would never work, but the proof is out there. Ask any woman or read testimonials of women who have done a professional boudoir session, you will quickly see this choice is one of the best choices you can make for yourself. Own who you are and how far you have come in life and be proud of the woman you are,

Black Lace Boudoir; New Year Sessions

Black Lace Boudoir is set out to change the world and how women see themselves, one photo at a time. Take the time to view her beautiful photos and see that each one is special in its own way and tells a story with no words. You will see a strong powerful woman in each portrait. Do not waste anytime and book your new year new you boudoir session now. End 2021 with a bang and welcome the new healed amazing you in 2022!


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