• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Premier Portrait Studio •

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• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

Premier Portrait Studio •

7 Reasons to Consider a Couples Boudoir Photo Shoot

Gifting your partner a private collection of sexy, sultry boudoir photos of yourself is a sweet reminder that married life isn’t only about paying bills, visiting in-laws, and spending hours at the hardware store picking out new paint. Married life is about emotional…and physical intimacy. So, why not consider taking it to the next level and consider a couples boudoir photo shoot? We’ll list 7 reasons why every couple should consider this fun, intimate, and sexy photography session.

1. You Won’t Believe How Beautiful You Both Look

There is no experience like working with a professional photographer. They know how to work with light and the setting, and how to help you find your most flattering angles, poses, and facial expressions. The best photographers allow you to thrive in your comfort zone; this is even more important in a couples boudoir photography session as you’re both exposed physically and emotionally. On the other hand, the best boudoir photographers will help you test your limits and help you try something just beyond your comfort level. The end results will exceed your expectations, especially in a couples boudoir shoot, where emotions are raw and authentic.

2. You Are Celebrating New Beginnings

couples boudoir photography northern virginia

One of the most popular reasons couples sign up for a boudoir photo session is because they are embarking on something new. This “something new” can be a marriage, a first child, moving to a new city, a retirement. New beginnings can happen at age 20….and can happen at age 65. We want to capture couples’ excitement of starting on a new journey together.

3. You Get to Spend Time Together

couples boudoir washington dc

How often do you and your partner get to just hang out, in bed, in your underwear? Give in to the moment and relish the opportunity to cozy up with your favorite person in the world. Bask in each other’s love, feel sexy, and let loose.

4. You’ll Share a Secret, Romantic Memory Together

Typically, boudoir photos are given as a gift to your partner. But when you do a couples boudoir session, you’re creating a romantic memory together…and sexy photos to enjoy privately! The best part is when you’re looking over your photos together, you’ll laugh at remembering the awkward moments, and smile recalling the intimate moments when you both really got into it.

5. You Are Going Through A Time of Transition

couples boudoir photography in virginia

Many couples inevitably come to a crossroads in their lives together. Maybe they just became empty nesters and are having to adjust to loneliness and quite. Maybe their awaiting the arrival a new baby. Some may even have endured major trauma and are adjusting to new bodies and new lives. Whatever the time of transition may be, a couples boudoir session lets those emotions be displayed in a raw, unfiltered fashion.

6. You’re Celebrating A Milestone

Couples boudoir photography is great for celebrating a milestone in your lives. Commemorate a birthday, an anniversary, even a “1 year cancer free” moment. When setting up a couples boudoir photography session, celebrating a milestone may help you get into the right mood or bring a certain energy to the session. We love being able to celebrate these milestones with you, while helping create a lifelong memory.

7. Your Love Is Beautiful

couples boudoir photography washington dc

Your love as a couple is beautiful, its as simple as that. Couples boudoir photography captures that love in a way that is unique and emotionally provoking. On hard days, when it can be difficult find beauty in life, looking at your couples boudoir photos will remind you just how beautiful your relationship is and how strong the love is between you both.

Now it’s Your Turn!

So what do you think? Would you and your partner do a couples boudoir photography session? If the answer is yes, or even if the answer is maybe, drop us a line and let us know you might want to schedule a couples boudoir photography session. Can’t wait to hear from you!


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