• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Premier Portrait Studio •

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• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

Premier Portrait Studio •

Christmas Boudoir Session for YOU

Christmas Boudoir, Virginia

Tis the Season

As Christmas is just around the corner, I am sure you have been busy thinking of everyone but yourself. After all, people say if we think of ourselves we are being selfish… Putting yourself first doesn’t just benefit you. It benefits everyone and everything else too. When you are healthy, it reduces the burden of your spouse and your family to take care of you. You are also able to serve and contribute to other people better when you are energetic and nourished. It’s okay to put yourself first. And it’s not something you need to feel guilty about. Thinking about your own mental wellbeing before others is something a lot of people find hard to do. But living your life to please other people can have a major impact on your mental health. If you do not make yourself happy nd depend on others to do so, you are doing yourself an injustice. Self love starts with you. It may seem small and insignificant to think of yourself and your wants and needs, but it is actually a big deal and can change your outlook drastically, if you will only allow it to do so. It is also very important to remember you cannot pour from an empty cup, so fill that cup with self love. Boudoir is taking the world by storm impacting women from all walks of life and leaving them feeling empowered and knowing their worth. Gifting yourself a boudoir session is a gift that will keep giving.

Christmas Boudoir, Washington, Virginia

Believe in Yourself

A strong woman knows what makes her happy. She shares her happiness with everyone, but is quick to protect it from those who chose to do it wrong or try to uproot it. She makes decisions that cultivate the life that makes her happy with courage, dedication, and perseverance. She is strong and has earned her place in this world. Boudoir photography teaches you to be fierce. Being fierce means standing your ground when the going gets tough. A woman who is fierce is always looking to better herself and the world around her. When you’re a fierce woman, you respect yourself- and your limits. Being a strong, independent woman means that you are able to find happiness on your own. You have self-confidence without having to rely on another person or society for validation. It means emotional independence and being able to have healthy relationships with others without falling into co-dependent patterns. These attributes can all be gained from booking a boudoir session just for you. Always remember that someone somewhere is looking up to you, and to show the growing generations to come that women are strong, they are powerful, and they can do anything they set their minds too is an amazing lesson to hand down to those rising to fill our shoes. Leave them feeling as empowered as you feel during your boudoir session. Empowering women means equipping them with the tools they need to have power and control over their own lives. Empowered women have independence, equal opportunities, and the ability to make strategic choices in all areas of their lives. Women’s empowerment can be defined to promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their own choices, and their right to influence social change for themselves and others. Gift yourself a boudoir session that will continue to make you feel the impact as you go through out life.

Boudoir Photography, Empowerment, Christmas boudoir, Virginia, Washington

Black Lace Boudoir; Empowerment

Black Lace Boudoir is here to help you feel your own power. In what seems like a simple photo, but it is capturing your sprit and your strength. It is okay to put you first and to gift yourself something that will pay you back in the end, and will help you gain more mental power. Book your session now, do not let fear or guilt stop you from falling in love with the woman you are and the woman you will become.


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