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Top Tanning Salons in Fredericksburg

What top 5 tanning salons do we recommend in Fredericksburg, VA?

tanning before a Boudoir session FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA

Love The Skin You Are In…..

It is easy to want to alter your image and look your best when you are about to have a boudoir session. That is a completely normal thought process many have right before their photo session. However, the entire goal and purpose of boudoir is to love who you are and to be confident in the skin you wear every day. Every day on social media, we see women and compare ourselves to them; this is a bad habit to get into, but we all have done it. You are you, and that in itself is your superpower. We are each unique and special, and all of that will shine through in your session. Your professional boudoir photographer knows what they are doing and how to highlight all that makes you unique. In this article, we will discuss tanning before your session. If this is a good idea or not, let’s get started.

Celebrate YOU

What woman does not feel her best with a nice tan and is ready to rock summertime? Tanning bed or laying out in the sun are both common activities for the average female. The short answer to if you should tan before your session is no. Boudoir is about celebrating your natural beauty, just the way you are. Sure, you get all made up and dressed up, but it’s still you, and that’s what we want to capture during the time with your professional boudoir photographer. The goal is for you to look like you, so later on down the road, you can look back at these gorgeous pictures of you and say, “Wow, I am beautiful.” If you end up having darker-toned pictures, you may not like them at all.

Top tanning salons in Fredericksburg VA
Tanning before your boudoir session

Tan Lines

Although your boudoir photographer may be a professional at editing photographs, tan lines are a complete nightmare to take out of images. It is nearly impossible to avoid tan lines unless, of course, you tan in the nude. If you are planning to be outside in the sun before your session, be sure to apply lots of sunblock to ensure you get no unwanted lines in your photos. It is best to stay out of the sun altogether so you will not be focused on your tan lines when looking at your pictures; you want to focus on yourself and the natural beauty you have.

If You Have To Tan…..

If you are absolutely dead set on tanning before your session, try to do a spray tan, just enough to give you the confidence you may need before your session. Let the tanning salon people know you are about to do a boudoir session so they do not completely alter your skin tone. Schedule the spray tan a few says ahead of your session so that you do not have any smudges or run lines on your body, cause those too can be a pain to edit. The only thing better than a natural spray tan is a completely natural one! If you can, tan outside to get that warm, healthy glow to your skin. Your tan will look much better than a fake one, and you won’t run the risk of your skin looking patchy or blotchy. The world is changing, as is the standard of beautiful, and now we are leaning towards natural beauty being the way to go.

Boudoir, Virginia


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