• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Premier Portrait Studio •

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

Premier Portrait Studio •

“Natural disasters, a global pandemic, a revolution, and something about killer hornets – and here we are, getting sexy and doing it all over again!”

Last week, I had the pleasure of hanging out with Rami… again! As many of you know, I am one of this year’s Black Lace Beauty Ambassadors. To say being a member of this team is rewarding, would be an understatement. Recently, I had my second shoot with Black Lace Boudoir, and it got me to thinking about where I was a year ago and how I ended up back in this studio.  

About a year ago, I had my first session with Black Lace Boudoir. 

Before my shoot, I was nervous. Being a curvier girl is sometimes a struggle. I asked myself 100 times, “What if your rolls show?”  “What if you can’t pose right?” “Oh my gosh! What if your double chin looks awful?”  I am sure we all suffer from being self-conscious.  And we are all our own worst critic, right? I was running early, which never happens! I am almost always late.  So, I stopped for breakfast and immediately texted one of my best friends for a pep talk.  She told me “Just do the damn the thing. You’re gonna look so hot!” So, with my playlist mixed of sexy, fun, and emo songs ready, I headed to the studio.

I spent the morning getting pampered and dolled up. It was a nice change from my usual 5-minute face as I race to get ready for work and get everyone out the door on time. 

Then the magic happened.

Yall, I kid you not – it was one of those life-changing moments.  I know… I know… sounds so cheesy, but it is SO true.  I have told my girlfriends more times than I count how amazing the experience was.  As a bigger girl, I have struggled with my reflection in the mirror for years, but this day was different.  I left feeling so beautiful, so happy, and so empowered.   If you ask me I believe every woman should experience this! This boudoir experience allowed me to able to see myself in a way I have never seen before. 

I have always said, “I am the cute friend – sexy isn’t how I would describe myself.” And Rami showed me how wrong I was.  She showed me I was SO MUCH MORE than I ever thought. 

Now fast forward a year…amidst one of the shakiest years we have ever had – natural disasters, a global pandemic, a revolution, and something about killer hornets – and here we are, getting sexy and doing it all over again!  And let me tell you – the second time didn’t lose a bit of its sparkle! Not even a little bit.  If anything, it was even better. I think every time you come back, you come back even stronger and more confident than before if I am being honest. Now, I knew to trust Rami and was familiar with how some of the poses worked and the tips she mentioned before. 

Again, I left feeling gorgeous, proud, sexy, and empowered. Like I could take on this pandemic and the homeschooling and everything else that comes along with this “new normal.” 

All of this to say… if you are doubting your ability to be sexy in front of the camera… if you don’t see yourself as the strong woman that I know you are… you ever question your beauty – stop right there. Book the session. Take the jump. And do the damn thing.  You won’t regret it.  I promise.

plus-size boudoir
©Black Lace Boudoir

Plus Size Women In Lingire


Beauty Ambassador


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