• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Premier Portrait Studio •

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

Premier Portrait Studio •

The Best Wedding Gift | Fredericksburg’s Premier Boudoir Studio





“Back in February, I did a boudoir photo shoot with Ramilyn for my now-husband’s wedding gift. The pictures are super intimate and they were meant for his eyes only, but with his OK I wanted to share this image to help tell the story of my experience.  As someone who struggles with body image issues, it wasn’t easy to work up the nerve to do this. But I have a partner who loves me and sees me how I wish I could see myself, so I sucked it up and did this for him because I knew he’d love it (and he did!). Ultimately the experience ended up being really empowering and helped me gain some confidence. Getting married is a hard time with the pressure of looking perfect so I went through a lot of stress over what I ate and my weight from our engagement on. This was particularly difficult because I’ve struggled with these things always so it was just piling on top of issues that already existed for me. And now I feel the pressure of maintaining and staying in the best possible shape to start a family. With that, I’ll always look at these pictures and remember how awesome that day was. I started the session not wanting to come out of the bathroom in my first outfit but I finished in nothing but a bedsheet. Thank you Ramilyn for the amazing experience and beautiful pictures! I encourage every bride, every woman, to do something like this for yourself!”  Mrs. R.







1. How old are you?

32 (33 in a few days)



2. What do you do for a living?

I am a magazine editor.

3. What made you decide to take a leap of faith and do a boudoir session?

I had the idea a while ago when I got engaged. I knew it would be something my fiance would love.

4. Did you have any obstacles or fears about boudoir?

Oh for sure. I’ve struggled with body image issues for most of my life. So I was worried about having so much of my body on display. Really my fiance is the only person I’ve ever been completely comfortable with when it comes to being naked. I even hate seeing myself naked! But from the first time I spoke to Ramilyn, I felt more at east about the process.


5. Was the session different from what you expected it to be?

Yes! I wore outfits I never thought I would and by the end, I ended up in just a sheet! We took our time and Rami and I really became friends since it’s such a personal experience.

6. What was your favorite part of the entire experience?

It was so liberating to feel comfortable in my own skin. When I finally let go of being self-conscious I had so much fun!

7. How did you feel when you saw your photographs?

I was so happy and kind of shocked! I couldn’t believe I was looking at myself. I was stunned. And excited!


8. Any advice for women interested in their own boudoir session?

Let go and do it. It is liberating and if you are doing it for your partner, he/she loves you for you and will appreciate seeing you with your guard down and maybe even a different side of you they haven’t seen!


9. Did anything change about the way you see your own beauty as a result of the session?

For sure. It totally brought on a new level of confidence and self-assurance.


Recently engaged?  We are now booking Bridal Boudoir Sessions for 2019!

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