Toss out the stereotypes
If you are an older woman you may feel as if you are too old to do a boudoir session, and that is simply not true! The only age restriction in boudoir is that you need to be 18 years of age for obvious reasons. You are never too old to love yourself, and as we as women start to age and get older we become even more critical of ourselves. One of the most used excuses for not booking a boudoir photo session is that “I am too old for that” Not only is this not true, but it goes against the whole idea of boudoir photography! Sure, age ain’t nothing but a number. It is not about your age it is about how you feel. If you are looking for that push of confidence you should really take the leap and book your boudoir photo session as soon as you can! In this article we will go over the reasons you need to say yes to a boudoir session in Washington DC and stop holding yourself back from a life changing experience!

We Only Get One Life
You only live on life, and you should stop allowing fear to hold you back from living it and enjoying it to its full potential. Fear is a big thing we face in life, but the sooner we learn to shut down fears we can really live life and make some amazing memories while we do it. As you age you can either stop living life or you can step out and create moments you will not regret. You cannot let a number hold you back from the benefits of having a boudoir session. Boudoir is designed to uplift and empower you, and what better time to do that than when age is making you feel like you have lost your spunk! One thing is for certain we are not getting any younger and you might as well live life to the fullest and build your confidence while you are at it!

We get better over time
You know the old saying “like fine wine” as we age we get better. If age gives us anything it gives us knowledge and lessons that a younger person has yet to discover. Your wisdom and all the life you have lived can be played out in your boudoir photo session. Boudoir tells a story, and you can tell yours. Take the time to talk to your professional boudoir photographer this way you build that trust and relationship but also you can voice any concerns that you may have and they will be able to put you at ease. Boudoir photography highlights the amazing parts of aging that we forget. For example, those wrinkles you are worried about, those are beautiful and are a part of you and you earned those wrinkles. The beauty of aging will be depicted in beautiful boudoir photography.

Get your sexy back
One of the greatest things about age is we change so much, and we gain beauty that is on the other side of things. There are sexy aspects of youth, and there are sexy aspects of maturity. A mature woman knows what she wants, and she generally knows how to get it. Your experience and gained knowledge will speak in your boudoir session. If you have been holding yourself back from doing certain things solely due to your age, it is time for you to let your light shine in some timeless boudoir portraits. It isn’t bad to calm down and settle into the habits and comforts of life, but that doesn’t mean you’re dead from the waist down! Keep reminding yourself of that fierce woman who has earned her way through life, and she is beautiful.
Black Lace Boudoir; Bringing life back into women of all ages
Black Lace Boudoir located in the beautiful state of Washington, DC. Black lace is eager to break the stigmas with the beautiful timeless art of boudoir photography. Incredible staff on hand that will help you stay calm and ready throughout the entire session. If you are looking to book a boudoir photo session in Washington, DC, Baltimore, Richmond or surrounding areas do not miss your chance to work with the note worthy company Black Lace Boudoir. Check out her work and book your session today!