• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

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• Downtown Fredericksburg, VA

Black Lace Boudoir - Boudoir Photography Studio Logo

Premier Portrait Studio •

Sexy Photos to Your Deployed Spouse – Washington, DC

Most people are aware, marriage is hard. This is especially true when it comes to a military family and one of the spouses has been deployed for a while. There’s a range of emotions you experience from the moment you first find out you significant other is getting deployed until they finally return home to you. You probably experience anger, fear, anticipation and loneliness. One ways wives of active military husbands have found to connect with their husbands: military themed boudoir photos.

Although a military-themed boudoir session may seem a little silly at first, it is a fantastic way to connect with your husband when you are hundreds or thousands of miles away. Not only will it give him something to look forward to, but it also assists with your own self care. Military-themed boudoir sessions in Washington, DC has been known to help a person experience growth in self-confidence and independence.

Here are 5 reasons to consider sending your significant other boudoir photos while they are deployed:

Boost Your Self-Confidence – Finding the right intimate photographer near you may be a little daunting. You may not want to ask your friends, and you certainly don’t want to ask you social media. Maybe you feel a little self-aware and critical. The job of your photographer is to make you feel comfortable and powerful. You may not feel as though you look like a cover model, but your local lingerie photographer will accentuate all the things you love about yourself. A boudoir session has the possibility of being extremely emotional, but through using your vulnerability our photographer will help you realize your inner and outer beauty.

Helps maintain a positive attitude – Military lives are not set up for “healthy” marriage. Couples oftentimes spend months at a time apart from each other. If you want to keep your marriage alive you need to find ways to maintain a positive outlook on your marriage. One of the best ways to boost your sexual relationship – even thousands of miles away – is to schedule a boudoir session with Black Lace Boudoir! Once you receive your portfolio of intimate pictures you can send one every month or so to your spouse. This might also help to keep them on their toes.

Creative Care Package – In between the obligatory shipments of necessities, favorite snacks and reading material, slide in a revealing pic or two to spice up you care package. A professional boudoir photographer will help you find flattering and comfortable poses without feeling too risque. Have you been sleeping every night in a specific shirt because it make you think of your spouse? They might enjoy if you sent them an intimate photo in a revealing shirt with your scent on it.

Honesty is the highest form of intimacy – Thanks to the many different forms of communication available today the art of not disclosing the events of the day have flown out the window.  Spouses are able to better communicate making it a little easier to stay involved in each other’s lives – even though they are probably missing the physical part of a relationship. Naturally, making sure your spouse gets to see you naked as often as if you were home, would be beneficial to you both. Having an honest marriage means omitting nothing so don’t be afraid to take some au natural photos as well.

Treat yourself You know that feeling right after a perfect massage or perfect haircut? It seems as though all of the stars have aligned and you suddenly feel lighter and as though you can take on the world. We don’t allow ourselves to have that feeling often enough. When you schedule your boudoir session, not only are you creating the perfect gift, you are also giving yourself the gift of being pampered. Imagine walking into a room where there is a wardrobe picked out for you, hair and make up assistants are waiting to give you a makeover and there is a glass of liquid courage sitting next to you. Before you know it, the cares of your day have disappeared and you are able to relax into an amazing session feeling confident and sexy!

Ready to Sign Up for Your Washington, D.C. Boudoir Session?

There are always challenges when it comes to a military relationship, but there is also high reward because of the love and respect found in that relationship. Keeping the fire alive over the many miles of being a part can be difficult, but you can also have fun! You can take a deep breath when you want to scream, grab a drink with a friend when you need to do something fun. But if you are looking for new and creative ways to reach your significant other and you are around the Washington, D.C. area, contactBlack Lace Boudoir to help you find inventive ways to reach your spouse.


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